Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Technology has certainly made it much easier for us to stay in touch. By logging onto the internet, you're able to keep up with the Grange much easier than ever before! If you haven't checked out all of the ways to stay connected to us, I urge you to do it! Not quite sure about all of this new stuff? I'll explain!
This one is pretty self explanatory! The website is our "home" on the
web. You are able to click through each section of our website to find out news
and information about our many programs and services.

Main Blog
This blog provides general information and happenings of our organization.
There are dates to remember and pictures to look at!

Membership Blog
Membership Director, Jessica Horton, updates her blog as she makes her way
around North Carolina. She documents her efforts in starting new Granges,
recruiting new members and revitalizing Granges. She also works closely
with Rusty Hunt, Membership Director for the National Grange, in his efforts to
grow the Grange across the nation!

Legislative Blog
If you're reading this... you probably already know what the legislative
blog is all about. I keep you updated on recent votes of interest and
issues concerning the Grange. I also document my networking and visits
across the state. This is a way for our members to stay updated on the
action they need to take on issues that effect Grange policy.

Facebook Group
This is NOT an official group of the NC State Grange. However, it's a way
to connect to other Grangers! You will need to be a member of Facebook to access
this site. What is Facebook? Simply put, it's a website that was
designed for college students so that they could connect with others on
campus. You are able to create a profile about yourself including a
picture, interests and hobbies, etc. Then, you can become "Facebook friends"
with others by sending a request. You're able to join various groups on
Facebook. These groups have their own profile and are dedicated to one issue,
interest, subject, organization, etc. There is a "wall" on everyone's profile as well as within the group. On this wall, you're able to leave comments and start discussions with others who are members of the group. A Facebook group dedicated to Grange is: "I LOVE NC STATE GRANGE!!!!!!!!"

You can easily tap into the National Grange too! Check them out!

Again, this is pretty self explanatory. The website provides tons of
information and resources for Grange members. Take a look around the site to see
what all they have to offer.

I found the blog this morning.. and it's brand new! Keep updated with this
blog and I'm sure you'll be "in the know" about everything going on in DC, in
other states and on the national level.

Facebook Group
Again, there is a group dedicated to the National Grange. There are updates
and links to happenings around the National Grange (such as National Convention
registration and Youtube videos) There is even a National Grange Youth
Facebook group which can be found here. Remember, you have to sign up for Facebook to view and/or join these groups.

The National Grange has produced several videos that they have posted
online. These videos range in nature - some promote programs and events like
National Convention while others are messages from the National President.
Youtube is a website that was designed to allow people to upload videos and
share them with others. The National Grange has their own Youtube Channel where
all of their videos are available for viewing.

The most recent craze is Twitter. Through Twitter, you can update 160 character messages that post to one website. These messages are called tweets. Movie stars tweet about new projects they're working on, musicians tweet about their concerts and regular folks tweet about everyday events of their lives. When you post a tweet on your Twitter page, it is updated automatically and others can read about what you update instantly. The National Grange's Twitter page has been used to instantly update followers about when registration forms are due, deadlines extended, new programs and links to articles of interest. You don't have to be a member of Twitter to follow the National Grange.

Don't think your Grange can join the technology bandwagon and get connected online? Think again! Look at how these Granges stay connected online!

Schley Grange's website
Cape Fear Grange's blog
Southern Wake Grange's Facebook page

Think it's too expensive to do all of these things? Nope! While it does cost money to host a website, there are free sites. However, these sites don't offer very many options with what you can post or upload online. There has been an effort on the part of the National Grange to set up a website which will allow local Granges to host their own website. I'll keep you updated on that information as it becomes available! Starting a blog and joining Youtube or Twitter is completely free! How can you sign up? Click the following links to take you to the "Sign up" page for each website.


NEED HELP DOING ANY OF THIS?? Call the State office! Allison or Jessica can help you get started!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for explaining the communication tools available to Grange Members. I enjoy using them to keep informed. Thanks.
