Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Annexation Reform: Grassroots v. Astroturf

If any of you have heard me talk about the Grange and our process of adopting and advocating for policy, you've heard me talk about grassroots. Like roots, these types of movements are planted on the local level or in a community. Grange policy is formulated within local Granges, brought forth at State Convention for consideration and moved along to National Convention for consideration there. We are truly a grassroots organization. When we advocate for policy, we not only work from the State Office to support or oppose legislation - we take it back to the communities and local level. We ask for your support in contacting Representatives, Senators, Congressman, etc.

Our organization has been pushing for significant annexation reform by supporting bills like SB 494 which will provide a vote for affected property owners, oversight by County Commissioners and definition of and requirement for meaningful services. We have developed our policy based on a grassroots process and brought it back to our members for grassroots action.

Astroturf is another term that's used to describe political movements. Just like astroturf, these movements are not rooted or grounded locally. They're artificial and manufactured by a higher power structure.

The League of Municipalities is supporting an alternative bill (SB 472/HB 727). It simply tweaks the current annexation law, but is NOT significant reform. It does not address oversight, a voice for affected property owners or meaningful services. They have begun a "Bring 5" campaign which is a movement for city and town leaders to bring citizens to the legislature to support this bill. Sound like astroturf to you?

We cannot allow an astroturf campaign of municipal leaders overshadow how citizens really feel about this issue.

The Senate Finance Subcommittee will deal with all of the annexation bills. They will deal with the good and bad all at once. Please contact them as soon as possible. (List/contact info below) It is more important than ever that you contact your Senator to lend your support to SB 494. For more information on this bill, please refer to this previous post.

Finance Subcommittee
Daniel Clodfelter - Mecklenburg - daniel.clodfelter@ncleg.net
Larry Shaw - Cumberland - larry.shaw@ncleg.net **SPONSOR OF SB494**
Fletcher Hartsell - Cabarrus - fletcher.hartsell@ncleg.net
Richard Stevens - Wake - richard.stevens@ncleg.net
Floyd McKissick - Durham - floyd.mckissick@ncleg.net
Josh Stein - Wake - josh.stein@ncleg.net
Bill Purcell - Anson, Richmond, Scotland, Stanley - william.purcell@ncleg.net

Please contact co-sponsors of SB 494 and thank them for their co-sponsorship and leadership on this issue!
Larry Shaw - Cumberland - larry.shaw@ncleg.net
Phil Berger - Guilford, Rockingham - phil.berger@ncleg.net
Andrew Brock - Davie, Rowan - andrew.brock@ncleg.net
David Rouzer - Johnston, Wayne - david.rouzer@ncleg.net

Just because your Senator is not listed does not mean you shouldn't contact them. Let them know how you feel about involuntary annexation and the provisions found in SB 494.

For analysis of this bill & other annexation bills, please read Cathy Heath of StopNCAnnexation's articles:
What S494/H645 would change
Compare S494/H645 to other bills submitted
Why NC needs S494/H645 to reform the law

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