Tuesday, June 16, 2009

FDA Regulation of Tobacco - Take 2

The Senate voted overwhelmingly to give the FDA control over tobacco products. Senators Burr and Hagan both voted against the bill. However, it passed 79-17, with 3 not voting. The House, earlier in the week, supported this bill too. The votes from NC delegation are as follows:

YES: Butterfield, Etheridge, Price, Miller, Watt
Coble, McIntyre, Foxx, McHenry, Kissell, Myrick, Shuler

President Obama is looking forward to signing this bill as is shown in the video below:

The Grange opposed FDA regulation of tobacco.

1 comment:

  1. Today's Washington Post has an interesting article on Senator Hagan fighting the Tobacco/FDA bill while the Governor was siging the smoking ban. My, how things have changed.

    As a Rural NC supporter and someone who grew up working in the tobacco fields, even I support the smoking ban and realize that tobacco can't continue as it has in the past. As rural people and/or tobacco growers, we can't continue to support the manufacturers lock step anymore. I think it may be possible for regulation to turn out good for farmers and rural communities. Tobacco will always be a legal but regulated product.
