Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Climate bill delayed until November

The House passed "cap & trade" legislation at the end of June and as it has moved into the Senate, there have been road blocks. As health care reform has preoccupied Senate's time and energy, cap & trade legislation has been delayed. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee Chairwoman Barbara Boxer (CA) stated "We'll do it as soon as we get back"in September from a month long break. Four other committees will also review the climate bill. A White House spokesman says that the White House continues to work with Senate and believes the legislation is right on track. Senators don't feel as though this delay will hurt the chances of the bill passing Senate this year. They hope to "take this as far as we can take it [before Copenhagen]" The COP15 United Nations Climate Change Conference 2009 will be held in Copenhagen in December 2009.

Check out the entire article from the Washington Post.
The North Carolina State Grange opposes this cap & trade legislation.

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