Thursday, July 2, 2009

Dear Governor Perdue,

You are cordially invited to comment on the House and Senate budget proposals.

Sincerely, House Republicans

Governor Perdue has been invited to be more vocal on the House and Budget proposals through a resolution that was filed June 22. "It sends a message that in this time of severe crisis that more hands on deck, more minds toward the problem is the best possible solution," said Rep. Dale Folwell, R-Forsyth, and co-sponsor of the resolution. "The House balanced its budget with a combinatin of regressive taxes and taxes that make North Carolina a more expensive place in which to live and work," the resolution states.

When the House was debating the budget, Republicans praised the Governor's budget proposal and particularly her plan to only budget jobs that were filled. "I just don't believe the Governor of our state would propose something nonsensical," Rep. John Blust, R-Guilford, said during the budget debate.

Perdue has been holding rallies around the state in support for tax hikes to preserve education.

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